To distinguish your product or service in the marketplace, you’ll need a trademark, which denotes that it originated from a unique source. A well-known mark associated with a corporation, product, or domain name is essential to your success. There are several types of trademarks, depending on your product.

A trademark is an indicator of the origin of a product or a service. It is typically a word, a design, image, sound, smell or color or a combination of these elements . A service mark is a specialized trademark that identifies a service rather than a product. A certification mark is a specialized form of trademark that identifies an entity responsible for assuring the quality of a good or a service.
How We Can Help
Establishing a unique and valuable trademark to symbolize your business is critically important to building right in your reputation. Proper searching and protection can aid in establishing these rights.
Choosing a mark or domain name already in use — or allowing another entity to infringe on an established mark or domain name — can have serious negative financial consequences. Our team of trained professionals can conduct clearance searches to determine whether a proposed mark or domain name, or one that is confusingly similar, is already in use.
We efficiently establish, manage and protect your trademark, servicemark and domain name portfolios, both domestically and internationally. We also effectively enforce your rights in the courts and defend you against others who would improperly attempt to enforce their rights against you.
Our full range of trademark services includes:
In-depth trademark, servicemark, and domain name analysis and searching to reveal possible lapses in current coverage; identification of potential areas of new trademark, servicemark, or domain name protection.
Filing of mark applications; interaction with the United States Patent and Trademark Office examiners throughout the prosecution phase and, if required, through the appeals phase.
Representation and handling of proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, as well as in State and Federal Courts in matters such as infringement, oppositions, and cancellations.
Monitoring of proposed marks to guard against dilution or publication of confusingly similar marks.
Due diligence portfolio analysis.
Portfolio management, including docketing, maintenance, renewals, and other routine office actions.
Litigation of all types of unfair competition, trademark, servicemark, trade name, and trade dress disputes.